Breaking the Bread: A Biblical Devotional for Catholics - YEAR C - Scott Hahn & Ken Ogorek (Paperback)
As Catholics, we draw meaning and purpose from the celebration of the Mass eacThis edition of Breaking the Bread highlights the lectionary readings for Year C.h Sunday. But what if we could enhance our experience of the Mass with a better grasp of the readings we hear? In Breaking the Bread, a beautiful, full-color, clothbound companion for the Sunday Mass, beloved Scripture scholar Scott Hahn reflects on the Sunday Mass readings, providing insightful context for all Catholics to better understand what we hear—and why we hear it—on any given Sunday.Breaking the Bread will help all Catholics make the most of Sunday Mass through reflections on Scripture, the Catechism, and short prayers to help you deepen your personal relationship with the living Word of God: Jesus Christ.This edition of Breaking the Bread highlights the lectionary readings for Year C.