
The Narrow Gate Blog

Raising a Catholic Family

Raising a Catholic Family

This article first appeared at: With all the confusion and harmful agendas being pushed on children in society today, it can be a scary time to raise a family. It is understandable to be concerned about the world our children are being brought into.But, will you be paralysed by fear and withdraw from the world, or will you step up, fire up and answer the call for our time? The best way to fight evil is with good!Every time I notice myself getting worried about the attacks on …
Tue 19th Mar 2024
Love is Not Give and Take; Love is Give

Love is Not Give and Take; Love is Give

This article first appeared at: Several years ago, I was part of a community service group at my parish that visited the elderly in a nursing home once a month. I looked forward to these visits so much. I always felt proud of myself for doing something good for the elderly, but I never realized how much they could and would do for me. God introduced me one day to an elderly man that would radically impact my life and my outlook on love.As I entered the nursing home one Sunda …
Tue 5th Mar 2024
To Love is to be Vulnerable

To Love is to be Vulnerable

This article first appeared at: fireupministries.comThe one thing we all want, without question, is to be loved by others.Sadly, we assume that we get the love we want by working super hard to hide our flaws and weaknesses from others so that they won’t be repulsed by us. In fact, it is almost directly the opposite.The love you desire is on the other side of being vulnerable and honest about your weaknesses. Contrary to what most of us think, when we let our guard down in front of a trusted love …
Tue 20th Feb 2024 Simon Carrington
Making Our House a Home

Making Our House a Home

This article first appeared at: The description of a Godly woman in Proverbs provides a table of contents for a topical Bible study for women using a wide range of Scripture.My first study, Chosen and Cherished: Biblical Wisdom for Your Marriage, focuses on the core relationship of a family—marriage. My newest study, Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart, centers on the tasks of making a house a home, a place of beauty and order, where the needs of our lov …
Tue 13th Feb 2024 Kimberly Hahn
Embracing the Commitment of Marriage

Embracing the Commitment of Marriage

This article first appeared at: When a man and a woman discern the vocation of marriage, they move from a private promise to each other—I am my beloved’s, and he is mine—to a public engagement. They approach the Church, at least six months before their hoped-for wedding date, to formalize their commitment. They prepare by learning more about what the Church teaches regarding marriage, for “marriage introduces one into an ecclesial order, and creates rights and duties in the Chur …
Tue 30th Jan 2024 Kimberly Hahn