Who Am I In God? Discovering Our Christian Identity - Fr. Michael Lim & Dr. Sunny Hong - Lim Hong (Paperback)
Identity is a major focus of the social, psychological, political, and philosophical discourse of our time. The rejection of Judeo-Christian identity in westernised cultures has left an entire generation questioning: “Who am I?”
Who Am I in God? Discovering Our Christian Identity provides answers to this defining question by drawing upon the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church.
In the first part of the book, Rev. Fr. Michael Lim, in collaboration with Dr. Sunny Hong, brings together truth and wisdom from a diverse range of Catholic sources: the Catechism of the Catholic Church; the Doctors of the Church, such as Saint Augustine of Hippo; and holy popes, such as the renowned theologian Pope Benedict XVI.
Drawing upon these sources, Rev. Fr. Michael Lim, with Dr. Sunny Hong’s contribution, calls us to consider the origin of humankind and be reminded of the subconscious memory we hold of our Creator. He compels us to contemplate the major defining period of our humanity when God lived amongst us as the Incarnate Man—Jesus Christ. Upon establishing our identity in God, we are instructed on the Catholic sacramental life and provided with guidance on how to live out our God-given identity in our daily lives.
A compilation of true-life conversion testimonies comprises the second part. These testimonies demonstrate the profound and life-changing effects that coming to know oneself as a child of the Trinitarian God and living out a Catholic sacramental life, with an inner “ecosystem” of holiness, has had on real people and their identities—an open invitation to all humanity.
Read a book review by Don Smith in The Catholic Voice:
Product Reviews
This is a must-read for those who desire to be grounded in the TRUTH
The first thing we must do when we purchase a gadget is to find out what it was designed for and how it should function according to the manufacturer. Failure to do so might bring potential harm rather than benefits. This same principle applies to our human identity. The book Who Am I in God? Discovering Our Christian Identity seeks to provide a Catholic view of our identity and purpose as God's creatures and His beloved. It provides a basic framework to help us understand God's intent for us within the Tradition of our faith community as professed, lived, and handed down through 2000 years of history, beginning with God's definitive self-revelation in Jesus. Although one of the co-authors describes herself as an “unqualified author,” this book should belong to the more treasured books in a Catholic library. The first part explains in a simple but clear manner the teachings of the Catholic Church relating to our true identity. Printed as an unassuming A5-sized book, contains a compendium of our faith that comes in handy when questions arise. It is set in simple and pastorally friendly language; it is straightforward and truly faithful to the Catholic doctrine. The down-to-earth linguistic style merits as an attractive feature, for it underscores the relevance of faith in our ordinary lives. The second part speaks of the incarnation of faith in the lives of ordinary people. The universality of the salvation offered by and through Christ generates real-life conversions— changes in the hearts and visions of many, seeing how God intervenes in the lives of everyone in a unique and personal manner. God is one, but his method of calling is as many as there are people. Salvation history does not end with the last book of the Bible nor the latest papal encyclical but in the lives of so many who, by God’s grace, have encountered Christ and were transformed by it, to discover their true identity. Hopefully, someday, many of us too could write our own conversions and journeys from false or damaged identities to true and whole identities as a sequel to this book! This is a must-read for those who desire to be grounded in the TRUTH and recognise the fruits of TRUTH in their own lives. Fr. Sebastian Luistro, SSS (Dickson and Braddon, ACT, Australia)