Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine - Set 5: Man: Origin and Destiny - Raymond de Souza KM (10 CD Set)
LESSON 37: Creation. Its purpose and marvel.
LESSON 38: The Origin of Life. De-bunking the Myths.
LESSON 39: The Origin of Man. Adam: Ape or Ancestor?
LESSON 40: Our First Parents. Their Gifts and their Fall.
LESSON 41: Our First Parents Part II. Investigating Genesis.
LESSON 42: Redeemer and Saviour. What is the 'Hypostatic Union'?
LESSON 43: Priest, Prophet and King. What is Christ's role as Redeemer?
LESSON 44: The Redemption. The greatest event in History?
LESSON 45: The Resurrection and Ascension. What is the Significance?
LESSON 46: The Church of Christ. An overview of role and relevance.