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The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom - Updated and Revised Edition - Gabriele Kuby (Paperback)

Gabriele Kuby

The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom - Updated and Revised Edition - Gabriele Kuby (Paperback)

The core of the global cultural revolution is the deliberate confusion of sexual norms. It is the culmination of a metaphysical revolution as well--a shifting of the fundamental ground upon which we stand and build a culture, even a civilization. Instead of desire being subjected to natural, social, moral, and transcendent orders, the identity of man and woman is dissolved, and free rein given to the maximum fulfillment of polymorphous urges, with no ultimate purpose or meaning.

Gabriele Kuby surveys gender ideology and LGBT demands, the devastating effects of pornography and sex-education, attacks on freedom of speech and religion, the corruption of language, and much more. From the movement's trailblazers to the post-Obergefell landscape, she documents in meticulous detail how the tentacles of a budding totalitarian regime are slowly gripping the world in an insidious stranglehold. Here on full display are the re-education techniques of the new permanent revolution, which has migrated from politics and economics to sex. Kuby's courageous work is a call to action for all well-meaning people to redouble their efforts to preserve freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and in particular the freedom of parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs, so that the family may endure as the foundation upon which any healthy society is built.

"Mrs. Kuby is a brave warrior against ideologies that ultimately result in the destruction of man."--POPE BENEDICT XVI

"As the carnage of untrammeled sexual license piles up in cultures that have embraced sexual revolutionary ideology, we need the kind of sober and thoughtful analysis Gabriele Kuby provides. Her work will help readers understand that false visions of freedom are highways to slavery, and that true freedom is to be found in self-mastery and virtue."--ROBERT P. GEORGE, author of Conscience and Its Enemies.

"Gabriele Kuby maps the topography of horror that sex unleashed from the moral order visits upon any society that allows it. She also offers a strong, much-needed dose of moral realism that offers a way out of an otherwise totalitarian result."--ROBERT R. REILLY, author of Making Gay Okay.

"Gabriele Kuby is a global treasure and a remarkably brave soul, speaking as she does from the very heart of European secularism. In this book, she gets to the heart of the matter: the grotesque distortion of the human person at the hands of the sexual left...."--AUSTIN RUSE, President, Center for Family & Human Rights.

"Gabriele Kuby is a contemporary Joan of Arc ... awakening the conscience of a generation. Writing with utter lucidity, in The Global Sexual Revolution she gives us a comprehensive understanding of the war for the future of mankind that has spread with astonishing speed throughout the world."--MICHAEL D. O'BRIEN, author of Elijah in Jerusalem.

"In The Global Sexual Revolution, Gabriele Kuby makes an eloquent and factual case for why all those concerned with liberty and rights of conscience must stand up--before it is too late--to those agendas that seek, even demand, to take away our freedom."--ALAN E. SEARS, President, Alliance Defending Freedom.

GABRIELE KUBY was a student of sociology at the Free University of Berlin in 1967, a pivotal year of upheaval and rebellion among students. She completed her Masters degree under the direction of Ralph Dahrendorf at the University of Konstanz, following which she worked as a translator and interpreter for twenty years. After her conversion to the Catholic faith in 1997 she became a successful author of books on spiritual and political issues and an international speaker.

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The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom - Updated and Revised Edition - Gabriele Kuby (Paperback)

The core of the global cultural revolution is the deliberate confusion of sexual norms. It is the culmination of a metaphysical revolution as well--a shifting of the fundamental ground upon which we stand and build a culture, even a civilization. Instead of desire being subjected to natural, social, moral, and transcendent orders, the identity of man and woman is dissolved, and free rein given to the maximum fulfillment of polymorphous urges, with no ultimate purpose or meaning.

Gabriele Kuby surveys gender ideology and LGBT demands, the devastating effects of pornography and sex-education, attacks on freedom of speech and religion, the corruption of language, and much more. From the movement's trailblazers to the post-Obergefell landscape, she documents in meticulous detail how the tentacles of a budding totalitarian regime are slowly gripping the world in an insidious stranglehold. Here on full display are the re-education techniques of the new permanent revolution, which has migrated from politics and economics to sex. Kuby's courageous work is a call to action for all well-meaning people to redouble their efforts to preserve freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and in particular the freedom of parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs, so that the family may endure as the foundation upon which any healthy society is built.

"Mrs. Kuby is a brave warrior against ideologies that ultimately result in the destruction of man."--POPE BENEDICT XVI

"As the carnage of untrammeled sexual license piles up in cultures that have embraced sexual revolutionary ideology, we need the kind of sober and thoughtful analysis Gabriele Kuby provides. Her work will help readers understand that false visions of freedom are highways to slavery, and that true freedom is to be found in self-mastery and virtue."--ROBERT P. GEORGE, author of Conscience and Its Enemies.

"Gabriele Kuby maps the topography of horror that sex unleashed from the moral order visits upon any society that allows it. She also offers a strong, much-needed dose of moral realism that offers a way out of an otherwise totalitarian result."--ROBERT R. REILLY, author of Making Gay Okay.

"Gabriele Kuby is a global treasure and a remarkably brave soul, speaking as she does from the very heart of European secularism. In this book, she gets to the heart of the matter: the grotesque distortion of the human person at the hands of the sexual left...."--AUSTIN RUSE, President, Center for Family & Human Rights.

"Gabriele Kuby is a contemporary Joan of Arc ... awakening the conscience of a generation. Writing with utter lucidity, in The Global Sexual Revolution she gives us a comprehensive understanding of the war for the future of mankind that has spread with astonishing speed throughout the world."--MICHAEL D. O'BRIEN, author of Elijah in Jerusalem.

"In The Global Sexual Revolution, Gabriele Kuby makes an eloquent and factual case for why all those concerned with liberty and rights of conscience must stand up--before it is too late--to those agendas that seek, even demand, to take away our freedom."--ALAN E. SEARS, President, Alliance Defending Freedom.

GABRIELE KUBY was a student of sociology at the Free University of Berlin in 1967, a pivotal year of upheaval and rebellion among students. She completed her Masters degree under the direction of Ralph Dahrendorf at the University of Konstanz, following which she worked as a translator and interpreter for twenty years. After her conversion to the Catholic faith in 1997 she became a successful author of books on spiritual and political issues and an international speaker.

Reviews (1)

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Reviewed by Veronika McLindon That is has received critical acclaim, as well as scathing defamation, is evident by the fact German sociologist Gabriele Kuby’s 'The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' is seeing its fourteenth edition in print since it was first published in 2012. In no danger of losing its relevancy or traction, it has also been translated into more than 13 languages and counting, with Portuguese and Belarusian translations currently under construction. Which is ironic considering Kuby’s work did not receive a single review when it was first published in her home country. Perhaps this is because Kuby’s enemies prefer not to draw attention to the impeccably researched and incisively presented arguments she makes in her book, condemning the cultural and social capitulation to the new gender ideology currently engulfing the West. Though she heavily focuses her study on the politico-social climate in Germany, Kuby proves her home country is not just an outlying example of the politicization of gender and sex. Rather, she illustrates how Germany presents just one example that the entire western world is being increasingly overpowered by left-wing militants who are on a nefarious mission to abolish all sexual and gender norms. The Global Sexual Revolution leaves no room for Misinterpretation in explaining that if not curtailed, this new top-down revolution, which she sees as a natural extension of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, will result in a wholly new world order– and one in which the State, not the individual, profits. Not a light read, The Global Sexual Revolution is nonetheless indispensable to anybody wishing to understand the social engineering behind gender politics. It presents a comprehensive body of data, which Kuby analyses expertly to clearly demonstrate how the West has arrived at a place of cultural decay and crisis of sexuality. Kuby presents her ideas orderly, beginning with the key ideas and players in history upon which the new global sexual revolution is founded. She links key factors at play in the overhaul of sexual and familial values, such as the rise of totalitarian government in the twentieth century, the attack on the family unit, derision of traditional sexual morality, as well as the war waged on Christian values, which she sees as inextricable from Western tradition. She studies such figures as Karl Marx, Margaret Sanger and Alfred Kinsey, illustrating how the culmination of their ideas provide the ideological architecture of gender politics and its rise to power through an organized and well-funded march through the institutions. The implications of this are profound, which Kuby illustrates with examples ranging from the continual drop in fertility rates across the West to mass immigration into the EU. The effect of this global revolution, argues Kuby, is to restrict the freedom of individuals whilst expanding State power. Kuby makes the case that individual freedoms are best protected and expressed when set within the context of family, but as key leaders of the sexual revolution perniciously attack this basis, those freedoms are increasingly controlled and censored by the State. Kuby argues that the rise and normalization of things like pornography, contraception, sexual promiscuity and hyper-sexualisation of culture are among the most destructive weapons against the family. The Global Sexual Revolution has not made Kuby a popular name in many circles. This is because it calls out gender politics adherents on their platitudes of supposed compassion and tolerance towards people of all genders. She proves, rather, that these sexual progressives exhibit little tolerance towards dissenters of their ideology, repressing and defaming alternative worldviews to their own, whilst harbouring hidden agendas of a more sinister nature. Agendas such as population control, the deliberate intent to increase State power, the reduction of individual freedoms, inculcation of ideology and repression of free thought. As the book delineates, the major players of gender politics are monopolizing every major global institute, from the EU, social media, and the UN, whilst receiving billions in funding from such moguls as Rockefeller, Bill Gates and George Soros. Although they make regular attempts, it is impossible for Kuby’s detractors to be able to convincingly paint her as a cultural alarmist and conspiracy theorist when she corroborates her stance as well as she does. This does not deter them however, from instigating smear campaigns against her, throwing vitriolic slander at her, distorting her views, and accusing her of being a fascist, a Catholic extremist, a Nazi and a xenophobe. A recent play shown in Berlin, for example, incites hatred towards her, depicting her, as one of four women, as Nazi zombies that ‘need to be shot in the head.’ Despite this defamation, Kuby remains unswerving in her mission to reveal the virulent culture of left-wing politics in its agenda to destabilize and re-establish new sexual norms. Who knows, perhaps the Global Sexual Revolution will enter the annals of history as a major catalyst in triggering a counter-revolution. Yet despite its subject material, the book does not conclude on a doomsday note. The statistics and data proving the institutional attack on individual freedoms and the family may be discouraging, yet Kuby remains hopeful. The book makes a compelling case for how the global sexual revolution is destroying our freedoms, not increasing them. And its proposed solution is simple. The key to combating the attack on the dignity and value of the individual and the family is to encourage and support families to remain strong and united in what would essentially be a retaliatory ‘bottom-up’ revolution. Families need to collectively reject the normalcy of porn, sexualized culture, promiscuity and fundamentally, the new gender ideology. The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom is again made available in a new Australian edition, published by Parousia Media.
Posted by Veronika on 10th Nov 2022

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SKU: 9780648198406
Width: 15.20
Height: 22.90
Depth: 1.70
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