
The Narrow Gate Blog

How Muslims Try to Convert Christians

This article first appeared at: Muslims often try to convert non-believers — including Christians — to their religion, and they are succeeding far too often. As Islam becomes more widely practiced in the U.S. and Europe, you’re likely to meet a Muslim at some point who will challenge your Christian beliefs. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these three ways a Muslim may try to convert you. 1. They compare their rigorous fasting to …
Tue 16th Apr 2024
Love Extravagant: Jesus on the Cross

Love Extravagant: Jesus on the Cross

This article first appeared at: Every year in Lent the Church directs our thoughts to Jesus on the Cross. This is the sacred center of everything we believe and celebrate as Catholic Christians. Take away the Cross and you take away our salvation. Take away our salvation and everything “good” about the good news of the gospel evaporates.Most of us sense the importance of Jesus on the Cross, but how many of us really understand what was taking place? I would guess that very few c …
Tue 26th Mar 2024