
The Narrow Gate Blog

Love Extravagant: Jesus on the Cross

Love Extravagant: Jesus on the Cross

This article first appeared at: Every year in Lent the Church directs our thoughts to Jesus on the Cross. This is the sacred center of everything we believe and celebrate as Catholic Christians. Take away the Cross and you take away our salvation. Take away our salvation and everything “good” about the good news of the gospel evaporates.Most of us sense the importance of Jesus on the Cross, but how many of us really understand what was taking place? I would guess that very few c …
Tue 26th Mar 2024
Raising a Catholic Family

Raising a Catholic Family

This article first appeared at: With all the confusion and harmful agendas being pushed on children in society today, it can be a scary time to raise a family. It is understandable to be concerned about the world our children are being brought into.But, will you be paralysed by fear and withdraw from the world, or will you step up, fire up and answer the call for our time? The best way to fight evil is with good!Every time I notice myself getting worried about the attacks on …
Tue 19th Mar 2024
Does God Ever Abandon Us?

Does God Ever Abandon Us?

This article first appeared at: Amidst the somber beauty of the many readings at Easter Vigil Mass, there’s a line from the prophet Isaiah which feels rather jarring: “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with great tenderness I will take you back” (Is 54:7, NABRE). For souls whose hearts have been pierced by deep suffering, this verse might feel disconcerting. Why would our loving Father ever abandon us, even for a brief moment? And does that mean He might be abandoning me r …
Tue 27th Feb 2024 Clement Harrold
Making Our House a Home

Making Our House a Home

This article first appeared at: The description of a Godly woman in Proverbs provides a table of contents for a topical Bible study for women using a wide range of Scripture.My first study, Chosen and Cherished: Biblical Wisdom for Your Marriage, focuses on the core relationship of a family—marriage. My newest study, Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart, centers on the tasks of making a house a home, a place of beauty and order, where the needs of our lov …
Tue 13th Feb 2024 Kimberly Hahn
Secular Society Is Worshiping Something, and It’s Not Christ

Secular Society Is Worshiping Something, and It’s Not Christ

This article first appeared at: By Dr Scott Hahn with Brandon McGinleyEverything that is true of so-called secular societies is true of so-called secular individuals. To refuse to submit oneself to the living God—to refuse to acknowledge, adore, and serve Him as justice demands—is not a neutral choice. It does not preserve one’s objectivity or intellectual freedom; it does not liberate the soul. One of the most destructive pieces of catechesis taught by modern secular liberalism …
Tue 9th Jan 2024 Dr Scott Hahn with Brandon McGinley
The Eucharist and the Apocalypse

The Eucharist and the Apocalypse

This article first appeared at: The (Catholic) Eucharist appears in a striking and mystical way in the book of Revelation.On Easter morning, two disciples of Jesus are on their way from Jerusalem back to Emmaus. They might be husband and wife, but the text doesn’t say for certain. St. Luke names only one of the two: Cleopas. If they are a married couple, they might be Jesus’ aunt and uncle. (Hegesippus, a Christian writer from the second century, references “the Lord’s uncle, Clopas …
Tue 2nd Jan 2024