
The Narrow Gate Blog

What's Your Root Sin?

What's Your Root Sin?

This article first appeared at: I was in a meeting with my spiritual director.“My root sin is sensuality,” I said matter-of-factly.My spiritual director raised an eyebrow. “I’d say it is pride.”In retrospect, my response was classic, and I am surprised he didn’t laugh out loud. I said, “No, it’s not. It is sensuality.”He gave me a knowing smile and dropped the subject.A few years later, I was working late at the National Catholic Register with Fr. John Bartunek. The topic …
Tue 12th Mar 2024 Dan Burke
To Love is to be Vulnerable

To Love is to be Vulnerable

This article first appeared at: fireupministries.comThe one thing we all want, without question, is to be loved by others.Sadly, we assume that we get the love we want by working super hard to hide our flaws and weaknesses from others so that they won’t be repulsed by us. In fact, it is almost directly the opposite.The love you desire is on the other side of being vulnerable and honest about your weaknesses. Contrary to what most of us think, when we let our guard down in front of a trusted love …
Tue 20th Feb 2024 Simon Carrington